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Home | Dealers | Equinox Antiques & Fine Art - Mark Reinfurt
Equinox Antiques & Fine Art - Mark Reinfurt
3568 Historic Main Street
P.O. Box 956
Manchester Village, Vermont 05254
Phone: 802.362.3540 gallery
Email: markreinfurt@equinoxantiques.com
Web: www.equinoxantiques.com
Hours: Open (10-5) Year Round, Appts Appreciated
Affiliations: NHADA, MADA, IOCACA, AAA, Friend Of The Metropolitian Museum New York
Established 1984.

Specializing in authentic 18th & 19th American antiques and fine art focusing on formal furniture fo the Queen Anne, Chippendale, Hepplewhite, Sheraton, Duncan Phyfe & Empire periods. In addition to a growing collection we offer fine Chinese Export Porcelains, American portrait miniatures, Historic Blue Staffordshire, Girondale Convex Mirrors, Highboys, Chest On Chests, Period Beds, Historic 19ths Pianofortes, 18th C Harpsichords all displayed with 18th, 19th & 20th century art of merit.

We offer appraisals, consultations in building private collections, representation & authentication at all major public and private auctions, brokerage services in liguidation of estates & consignment services.

Gallery open (10-5) daily, if your coming a distance appts are appreciated to avoid disappointments.

Private Castleton residence gallery is shown by appointment only.

Call gallery in Manchester, Vermont to schedule an appointment. 802-362-3540.






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