Designed by John Bacon
Signed on back, H. Bentley
Coade factory (1769ca.1840)
Lambeth, South London, early 1770s
Cast artificial stone
Right foot replaced
H. 45" (114 cm)
Courtesy of Sweerts de Landas Antique Garden Ornament
Coade stone, named after the factory credited for its invention, is an artificial stone that was cast in a mold and kiln fired. The stone resisted cracking from frost and held high definition of details. This Coade-stone naiad (water nymph) was designed in the early 1770s by the celebrated sculptor, John Bacon (17401799), after a famous antique marble of the sleeping Ariadne in the Vatican Museum. Reclining girls were one of the trademarks of the Coade factory, however, this naiad seems to be the only such example intended for a fountain.
Coade produced several other naiads. One, attributed to Bacon, was supplied in about 1785 to the Palladian-style bleach works at Lleweni Hall, Wales, and another is thought to be a companion piece to Bacons famous Reclining River God. A naiad made for Croombe Court in Worcestershire survives in a very poor state.