Queen Anne Walnut Bonnet-Top High Chest
Queen Anne high chest, signed by Nathaniel Fullerton. |
Signed by Nathaniel Fullerton, Boston, Mass., circa 1750-1770
Courtesy, Wayne Pratt Antiques
This high chest is related stylistically to a group of high chests with similar proportions and scooped drawers made in the Boston area. This example varies from others of the group in that it is signed by the maker, Nathaniel Fullerton. Fullerton is a yet undocumented cabinetmaker who may have been related to William Fullerton (d. 1750), a Boston chairmaker active in the 1740s.
Graphite signature of Nathaniel Fullerton. |
Some distinguishing characteristics of this high chest include a double-beaded molding on the top edge of the drawer sides; widely spaced drawer dovetails; and in the lower case, there is a space between the case sides and the drawer supports for the outer two drawers. Based on this example, it may now be possible to identify specific high chests from this group with the shop of Fullerton.
An inventory of the estate whereof M. Nathanial Fullerton late of Worcester
Deceased died [ ] taken the 28th day of March A.D. 1776
One acre of Land lying in two Lots, with the Dwelling House & other building.. 150..0..0
A Saw................................3.. 6..0
Stock in the Shop consisting of Cherry tree boards Maple boards.
Pine boards, &c...........................2..16..8
12 Chairs and one bedstead partly made................ 5.. 0..2
1 Chest of Drawers 2/ Stand Table 18/ Square ditto 26/8........... 5..16..8
To Tools in the Shop of various Sorts................. .5. 11..6
1 Lathe and Lathe Irons....................... .. 8..
4 Work benches and one Wooden Vice..................0..12..0
1 Large Screw and all the patterns in the Shop................0.. 3..0
2 Iron Wedges 1/6 and Sickle 6.................... .0.. 2..0
2 narrow Axes 6/. Two gauges and one broken Saw 1/.............0. .7..0
1 pitch fork & two hoes 2/ and one writing Desk 18/.............1. .0..0
1 box 2/8, 4/4 lb glue a 1/6 is 6/4....................0.. 9..0
4 m 13 brads 14/ Desk and draw Locks 20/3 hinges 6/2............2.. 0..5
Wood Screws 6/6 Ketches 5/10 Nurse skin [shark?] and Jacks 8 ........0..13..0
_________ 178..5..5
Old Iron 1/ one pair of Steel yards 6/.................. .0.. 7..0
One Fire Lock and cartouche box..................... 2.. 4..0
1 feather bed, under bed, bolster & pillows two Blankets a bed
Quilt, pair of sheets pillow bears & bed stead and cord........... 5..19..0
1 feather Bed, Bolster & pillows under Bed, sheets, pillow bears
Rugg, coverlid [coverlet], bed quilt, bedstead and cord........... 4.. 3..4
1 Feather Bed & Bolster, under bed, sheets, blanket, coverlid
Bedstead and Cord......................... .2..18..6
1 Feather Bed, underbed, sheets, & one pair woollen sheets a Rugg
a Blanket, a coverlid, bedstead and Cord....................5.. 3..4
1 under Bed, a coverlid, bedstead and Cord................. .1.. 2..0
2 Chaires [sic] 3/4 chimney board 3/4 apiece of carpeting 1/...........0.. 7..8
1 Case of draws without trimming..................... 2..15..0
1 pine Chest 1/ two sugar boxes 2/ a small box and Trunk 3/..........0.. 6..0
1 Large Trunk 2/............................0.. 2..0
________ 25..7..10
3 pair of sheets & 3 pair of pillow bears..................2..17.. 0
One pair of Woollen sheets 18/ fifteen towels 14/...............1..12.. 0
2 Napkins 6/ Seven table cloths 27/4. 3 pillow beers 2/8...........1..16. 0
1 Grain Chest a Firkin & a half bushel................. ...0.. 5..0
Flour 8/ a round Table 18/ five small baskets 2/8..............1.. 8..8
1 piece of carpeting 1/ a hat case and two Boxes 4/............... 5..0
1 meal Chest 1/ a Dough Trough 1/....................0 .. 2 .0
1 brass kettle 20/ three Iron Potts 12/.....................2 ..0..0
1brass skillet 4/ 2 Iron & a Dish Kettle..................... .8..0
1 Frying pan 2/4 a Tea Kettle 2/8......................... 5..0
1 Toaster 3/. A gridiron 2/ a chafin [chafing] dish 3/................ 8
carried up £ 11..6..8 £213..13..3
Brought up and Continued
2 Water Pails 2/ two Earthen Pots 4/ hogs lard 4/8............... 7.. 8
1 mortar & pestle 1/ a Bag and the matt in it 3/6................ 4.. 6
1 soap tub & greese [sic] 2/ a saltbox 4................... 0..2..4
Case knives and forks 2/.........................2..0
A Jack and spit, Jack line & Weights &c..................1.13..0
1 pair of hand irons 7/ one pair Ditto 17/................ .1.. 4..0
1 pair of brass Candlesticks and Snuffers 1/................0..12..0
3 Iron ditto and Snuffers........................ .0. .1..6
1 pair tobacco tongs 1/ flatt Iron grate 1/6...................2..6
2 flatt irons 5/ a fine shovel and tongs 6/...................11..0
1 Crane, trammels & hooks 10/ brass skimmer & ladle 7/............ 17..0
1 Flesh Fork, Scewers [sic] and hanger................... 3..0
1 warming Pan 10/ 6 chaises 8/ a childs chare [sic] 8 a foot wheel 10/....... .1..8..0
1 Churn 4/. Hand Bellows 2/ Earthen Ware 2/6...................8..6
1 Kitchin [sic] Table 5/ Tin Ware 4/6....................9..6
Ginger, Coffee, and a Sugar box 1/.....................1..0
Pewter Dishes, plates, Porringers &c, &c...................3..7..6
Books 4/ Shears & [ ] 1/ .3 Window curtains 9/ brushes 1/6..........15..6
1 maple Desk 48/ a Square Table 16/...................3..4..0
1 Square table 14/ a Stand Table 9/......................1..3..0
6 Chairs 10/ a Candlestand 2/ a Looking Glass 33/................2..5..0
12 Pictures 9/ to China, Glass, Delph [sic] Ware in the bfast 30/5........1..19..5
5 tea Potts 2/6. a pair of fire Dogs 3/ fire pan & tongs 3/.............2..5..0
Wearing apparel...........................4..2..4
5 Tea Spoons 12/6. a Table spoon 9/ a pewter Kan [cann] 2/8..........1..4..2
5 pounds of Cotton 13/4. A Horse to dry cloathes [sic] on 1/..............14..4
6 bushels potatoes & box 9/. 3 Kegs and pickle tub 4/...............13..0
2 Wash Tubs 1/6 Small brass Kettle 5/....................6..6
4 barrels with Cyder 20/. 4 empty barrels 4/.................1..4..0
half a barrell of Pork and Bacon.....................1..18..0
3 meat Tubs 5/ Sundry boxes in the Cellar 2/8.................7..8
one stone jugg & one Earthen Ditto 2/6 two glass bottles 1/..............3..6
Cash 15/6. Two Razors a bone box and brush 3/...............18..6
1 pocket book 1/ 1 pair of sheets 6/8....................7..8
4 Geese 7/. 4 Dunghill Fowls.........................9..0
_________ 12..17..2
Worcester for March 28:1776. In compliance with the Warrant
to us directed and hereunto annexed, we have this Day attended the Service
therein mentioned, and beg leave to offer the foregoing, as a true inventory
of the Articles and Value of the said deceased Estate--Benjamin Flagg
Nathan Baldwin. Abel Holbrook Committee----------------------------------
Worcester for April 1. 1776 Abigail Fullerton administratrix on the estate
of Nathaniel Fullerton Deceased, made Solemn oath that the foregoing is
a true inventory of all the estate of the Said Deceased which had yet come to her
knowledge; and that if any more thereof shall appear she will render true
Account thereof....Sworn before Jedediah Foster Judge Probate
Entered from the original
By Joseph Wheeler Registrar
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